
Medi-Aid Subsidised Accommodation

Subsidised Accommodation For Seniors

Medi-Aid Centre Foundation is a Public Benevolent Institution (PBI) non-profit organisation which, in Queensland, provides subsidised accommodation for Seniors.

The Foundation's founder, the late Dr John Knight AM (known as Dr James Wright) was a well-known and respected television and radio personality who made enormous contributions to the community.  You may remember him from the days of the Mike Walsh Show.

Accommodation is offered to Seniors 65 years and over, who are able to live independently and are experiencing financial hardship. Applicants do not qualify if they own any assets in the form of real estate, superannuation or have income producing employment. All accommodation on offer is positioned near Surfers Paradise. The location of these units provide a wonderful lifestyle for people in their senior years.

However, the demand for this accommodation is extremely high and there is currently a waiting list of approved applicants.

IN SYDNEY, the Foundation also provides affordable independent living units around the Eastwood to Meadowbank suburbs. If you are interested in Sydney accommodation, please email your enquiry via the Medi-Aid website or telephone 02 9868 7544.

FOR ENQUIRIES ON SURFERS PARADISE PROPERTIES, please telephone Ocean Blue Realty on 07 5570 2604.

Dr John F. Knight AM
Dr John F. Knight AM and
Mrs Noreen Knight 

Mr David Knight JP B.BUS (Land Ec.) AAPI and Dr John F Knight AM

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